Monday, February 1, 2010

What treat can't you live with out?

So tonight I am having a craving for chocolate...which is something I don't normally do. I went on a hunt in my pantry and much to my wonderful surprise found a bag of M&M's. I vaguely remember letting the kids throw it into the shopping cart...and then sneakily hiding it into the pantry....until now. I just ate about 8 and was wondering what the expiry date on them were. Did you know that they are usually good for a year? That led me to think of this crazy blog... Let's take a break from the rice and wheat and think about what we can't "live without." Yes Yes of course I know we could technically live with out it.... but I was just thinking about those little things that our families love to indulge in. I'm not talking about crappy cheap candy that you saw on sale....I'm talking about the stuff our families gather round in anticipation for. Here are a few examples of essentials to me....

Popcorn!! I am so grateful that this is our family's top favorite. It's easy to store and also considered a whole grain. (Bonus!) I have a few large bags and we cook it in a pot with a little bit of oil. Yes I can cook it over a fire if necessary! Popcorn, oil, salt....Cheap, Easy...Done!

Now onto our next favorite non essential item.....chocolate chip know those ooooey gooooey melt in your mouth kinds? I have a great recipe and use all ingredients from my food storage. Many times I am thankful that I have these ingredients always in my storage for obvious reasons!

I have just added a new favorite recipe that I would love to indulge my food storage in....they are those delicious cinnamon buns that we made in Relief Society Last month. They were so delicious that I want to make sure that I can whip up a batch when ever necessary.
Now if only I can buy freeze dried Haagen-Dazs??

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