Monday, November 16, 2009

Quick Facts About Storing your Water

So a wise friend just emailed me some valuable information that we can all benefit from (Thanks Chris)
Here are Her Great Tips (I am mostly just cutting and pasting from her email)

-Add a rain barrel to the side of your home!

-Don't forgot to put something under water storage containers, when in contact with cement, so it doesn't get absorbed into the container.

-If you have to use your water, it may taste flat, so what you need to do is aerate it, squish it back and forth, to add the air into it, and it will give it better flavor.

I like the "reliance" brand blue aquatainers that are square that you can find at Wal-mart to store water for about $10.00 a container. I've have taken orders from those, and have had lots of strange remarks from people when I truck out of the store with them! Each one holds 7 gallons of water or 26 Litres. Ideally, they can be stacked, when emptied, but really shouldn't be stacked when full.

With the blue aqua tainers, I know I need 2 containers for each member of the family for a 2 week supply of water! The reason you should store 2 weeks of water, is that it usually takes about that long to sometimes restore the proper water supply. They are a bit more portable than the huge tank, and could easily be set up on a kitchen counter. It was recommend that you would have 14 gallons of water for 2 weeks per person. You also need to consider extra water ie. in your hot water tank, to wash up dishes, flush toilets.
Years ago, when I spoke to City of Calgary water treatment, they said we didn't need to treat our water, because of all the chemicals already in it...just like what you said on your blog!!
But, that it would be a recommendation when changing water to rinse the containers out with bleach, as if anything were to grow it in, it would do so around where the water level is on the container. I have used the aerobic oxygen that you can buy at "Good for You" . I prefer to do that, so I don't have to change the water.

Thanks for your Great TIPS!!! Please if anyone else has something to share, email me!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the post! I had no idea what to do before. It's a good thing you called calgary water treatment to see what was really going on. Thanks!
