Thursday, December 3, 2009

Season Your Rice

If you haven't seen this bottle before...then I am thrilled to introduce it to you! About a month ago a good friend (Kristen) had me over to her house for dinner. Something smelled really good. I had to get to the bottom of it! Turned out to be this spice! She had bought some flat bread, put some butter on it, and sprinkled this majic stuff on. She put it in the oven and the smell was so mouth watering! Fast forward to yesterday and Carla, the culinary queen, brought this over to my house when we were experimenting with rice recipes. This was the second time I had seen it. She told me that this is one of her staple items and I believed her! We took some frozen cooked rice and instead of just microwaving it....we put it in a pot with a little bit of water, a few shakes of this seasoning and some dehydrated carrots. Back came that mouth watering smell.....Mmmmmm it was delicious!
So simple!!!
Today I bought some bulk bottles at Costco I think they were $6 each. Of Course I bought a couple extra bottles for my food storage. Something this yummy I don't want to live with out!!


  1. I love playing recipe making with you. It was fun!!! :) You are awesome!!! Thanks for the opportunity :) love ya

  2. I can't live without this spice! It's a must in my pantry! I love it!
