Sunday, January 24, 2010

Potato Flakes vs Potato Pearls

Every other person that signs up for the cannery asks me "Do they still have potato pearls?" to which I reply...only in bulk but they now have potato flakes. The next question is always "Are they any good?"

Since I started my food storage about 5 years ago all there was available at the cannery was potato pearls and everyone kept saying how great they were! I thought they were okay. They kind of had a funky taste to them. My family only agreed to eat them when I was in a pinch. I was afraid to try potato flakes because everyone said how much better the pearls were. I was in a pinch for our Sunday dinner and thought...nows a great time to try the potato flakes.

WE REALLY LIKED THEM!!! In fact I felt like they tasted more like mashed potatos to me then the pearls!

I only added what the label said...water, salt, butter, and milk (and a little extra butter and salt) and they were great! I wont even hesitate to make them for company!

What's even more wonderful is that their shelf life is 30 years!!!! SOLD!! Potato flakes can also be added to soups to thicken and other recipes like breads. If you are off to the cannery don't forget to add this little luxury to your pantry!

They are only $3 a can!!!!


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  2. I was wondering which tasted better. Thank you for you and your families opinion.
